Friday, March 4, 2011

[XBOX] Xyanide [NTSC-U] [2.32GB]

Xyanide is essentially designed to be playable as a 2D shooter, but the
genre is totally converted into 3D. Basically you're on a rail and an
accompanying dynamic camera gives you the best angles for all your
battles. The side scroller turns into a maddening ride through high
detail mechanic and organic 3D worlds, but on every junction you can
choose where you want to go. 6 huge levels stretch your perseverance to
the limits, while you blast away waves of enemies with your blaster
beams, outsmart patterns of baddies with your special attack pickups, or
rocket-target mid-bosses and end-bosses until they finally break down
and explode in fantastic dynamic particle effects. The enemy models are
all high-detail with lods, while the designs are based on Aliens, Buck
Rogers and Battle Star Galactica. The game steadily maintains a solid
60fps constantly, even when the screen is full of mad action and special
effects, splattering across the screen. To fight the baddies you have a
laser beam at your disposal and a rocket pack, along with "specials"
(pick-ups) that you can harvest during play. Your weapons are
upgradeable, which makes this game also a tactical exercise: mechanic
weapons have more effect on the bigger enemies, while organic weapons
have more effect on the little ones. Of course, everything revolves
around scores, as this title is Live aware and offers Xbox Live boards
bragging rights.

The game is wrapped into a story and basically
tells the tale of the space-witch Aguira, a young fragile girl, who has
turned the world of Mardar into living hell. Her sentence is death by
the Maelstrom, a gigantic black hole. But on route to the Maelstrom,
the ship that takes her there is hit by a meteorite full of Xyanide,
which allows her to materialize her thoughts and escape. Her first
target, surprisingly, is you, as you are Drake, her executioner who
accompanies her into the Maelstrom. Your ship becomes entangled into her
world, and you have to fight her demons and destroy the crystals that
power her devilish creations. Between each level you get a new animated
cut-scene that completes the story. The surround-sound music score and
special effects are background, and serve their purpose, but you can
also play your own music.



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