Monday, March 7, 2011

[PSX] Vagrant Story [NTSC-U] [85 MB]

Valendra is a land that had undergone civil war. The end of which had
birthed the parliament and several organizations to control the balance
of power. Ashley Riot is a Riskbreaker agent, an elite one man
investigator, for the Valendia Knights of Peace (VKP) who is
investigating some strange occurrences. A cult of religious fanatics
known as Müllenkamp, and their leader Sydney Losstarot, have seized the
manor of Duke Bardorba of Valendia Kingdom. The events at the manor have
sent Ashley on a quest to get to the bottom of what's going on, and
travel into the catacombs that lead to the destroyed, yet magical city
of Leá Monde. However Ashley is not the only person interested in the
city, and other factions of the government, including parliament
assigned Knights of the Crimson Blade and other VKP agents are pursuing
their own agenda.

Combat is central to the game. The game runs
in real time but when entering combat and attacking an enemy, the game
is paused. A wireframe sphere showing the range of the currently
selected weapon and detailed statistics on different body parts of the
enemies within range.

The game features a range of weapons. Each
weapon can be disassembled and reassembled in workshops scattered
throughout the game, attaching gems for extra power. Weapons used
constantly against the same type of enemy improve in power against them.

can also make use of Magic, Chain Abilities and Break Arts. Magic is
broken into four groups, namely defense, combat, healing and status.
Spells use up mana points and are sometimes more costly than useful.
Chain Abilities allow Ashley to "chain together" consecutive hits
against enemies. Break Arts are special skills learnt after repetitive
use of a weapon type. Sacrificing some of the player's health, Break
Arts can perform a high damage attack on an enemy.



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